Monthly Archives: April 2016

To Buy or Not to Buy

Not forgetting National Poetry Month

That is the question, or is it?

Oh that people would pay to read this discontented blog and make it a glorious monetizing scheme this summer. Alas poor blog, I don’t know it, whomever.

As we honor William Shakespeare again, and again, and again – I mean there have been countless writers in the world in the last four centuries, have there not? I take this opportunity, or not, to write a sonnet and accompany it with some more pictures of eagles, which are irrelevant to the occasion, and the sonnet, or are they? Feel free, meanwhile, dear gentle readers, to read my words and feeling inspired, buy my book.


Down the gutters water runs in torrents
Springtime wind and rain returned today
Early heat had lulled us into torpor
When cold wet breezes blew as if to say
Sun or rain, who knows what blows tomorrow
The wild wind is this and here to stay
As rain washed down with sweet cold drafts of ale
Friday night’s the time for pizza treat
Listening to cool jazz tunes on the hi-fi
Sip sauvignon blanc with chocolate sweets
Rapid fire guitar notes set the tempo
Fading sky from blue turns into black
Flying fingers dance upon piano
Resting on the couch, we settle back

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Filed under Birds, Photography, Poetry, Wildlife

Vintage Car Show 2

The show on YouTube was up for a day then removed for edits! Here it is again.

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Vintage Cars of Victoria, episode II

I am the assistant producer of a TV show! The show is about vintage cars here in Victoria BC, and is the brainchild of my friend Joey. I first got involved last year when I designed his book on vintage cars, and we’ve moved on since to doing local TV.


April 18, 2016 · 3:27 pm